Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!!!!

Flash is warming up for FL!!!!!
Getting ready for my first swim.
The Norton twins checking Flash out!
Flash loves to snuggle.
In the pool!
Visit to Veritas Vineyards
After the fun filled weekend in VA, everyone was very tired!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My First Concert

My kids had their first concert last night and they were AWESOME!!! I was so proud of them. They sounded great and they sang some really difficult stuff. Such a cute bunch of 3rd graders!!!

Our Little Man is Getting Bigger

Flash is getting so big so quick! He has gained 15 lbs! Here are some pics of him. We can't wait to bring him to FL to play with Cassie and Nala. We need something to tire out this crazy man. Just to give a little perspective, I took a picture of his massive foot. He was playing with 2 full grown 70lb boxers the other day in the neighborhood and his feet are already bigger than theirs!!!! We are in for a BIG BOY!!!!!
Flash likes to sleep with his own feet in his face.

New York City

This past weekend we went to New York to see a show. The girl I work with has helped me so much and she has never been to NYC to see a Broadway show, so I took her as a thank you for everything she has done for me. Jason and I had a blast with her and her husband.
Yungie, outside of FAO Schwartz. Just like a little kid! Outside of the theatre for In the Heights. Yungie and Glen on 5th avenue. St. Patrick's Cathedral. We actually saw a wedding about to happen there. Mother and father of the bride rolled up in a Rolls Royce and the wedding party was in 5 stretch limos. Obviously a little bit of cash went into that affair.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Job!

I got word last week that I got a new job in Howard County. I am currently split between 2 schools and share a program with 2 different teachers. Since the schools in Howard are so large we often have 1 1/2 music teachers at each school. I am the 1/2 music teacher at each school. I also have a 1 hour and 15 minute commute. My new school is in a wonderful community, and it is the closest school to Frederick in Howard County. My commute will only be 25 minutes. I will have about 440 students, with my own program. I am so excited to be able to have my own classroom and my own program where I can implement new things. It is very difficult teaching students who have 2 music teachers because everyone does things differently. It makes it very nice to not feel like you're sharing a college dorm room again. I am excited to have a job a little closer and in a nicer community.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This weekend

This weekend we had a lot going on. My parents came up to visit...really because I think my dad wanted to play with the dog:) We also had my mom's sister and her family over for dinner. They had their granddaughter Sofie with them because Kathy and Geoff just had baby number 2 William James Perry. The baby came 3 1/2 weeks early but the baby and Kathy are doing fine. We are so excited for them. Jason and I also got a bunch of additional house projects done.
Sofie playing in her Disney princess dress.
We finished the side of the house where we removed 3 huge trees. We planted grass seed and some flowers, we are just waiting for it to grow. My grandmother, who lived right across the street from Lonza where Jason works, always had the most amazing garden. Many of my flowers are pieces of things that my mom got from her. She always had concord grape vines too which were my favorite. I used to sit out in her garden and eat them right off the vine for hours when I was little. So, I decided I wanted to concord grapes of my own. We planted the stakes and the vines. It is still a work in progress, but if all goes well we will have grapes in September. We put together a much needed storage shed and also out fire pit that we got from Danny and Erin for Christmas. It is finally warm enough and our yard doesn't look like a jungle. We are so excited to use it. And of course...more pictures of Flash, just because he's cute. He was pooped after having all of the people in the house. A lot going on for the little guy!


Yeah, all we have is dog pictures these days. We're kind of excited about our little man. Flash has 2 speeds. Comatose and Psycho. We think we will get along with Cassie and Nala great when we go to Florida in June. Flash can fall asleep anywhere, anytime within a matter of 5 seconds.
Contrary to popular belief, he is actually asleep in this picture. One eye open, snaggle toothed and snoring loud as can be.
When Jason leaves for work on Thursdays when I am home, Flash spends the whole morning looking for him and then goes to sleep in him pile of clothes in the bottom of Jason's closet.

Professor Psycho Pants

Now that Flash has gotten more comfortable being in his new home he is a little less calm. We were beginning to think he was a little too good to be true. He was a little too calm. He's a wonderful puppy but now is starting to show his multiple personalities. He's currently learning how to seriously!
"I'm in big trouble"
Absolutely NUTS!!
The fabulous and curious boxer head tilt.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Flash's first weekend home!

On Friday we decided to socialize Flash. We took him to the big park in Frederick. He saw lots of other dogs, he played with a Great Dane, and he had a blast. On the way we took him by the Frederick wine house because we were going to pick up wine for a cookout. Jason was waiting outside with him. The owner loved him and told us to bring him in the store. He got homemade organic dog cookies and he got lots of attention. He is learning how to work the system very quickly.
This picture is so funny. On the way home in the car, he fell asleep with his face in my hand. He was a tired little boy.
Yesterday we took the tape off his ears to see how they are doing. He looks handsome without his horns.
One ear needs a little work.