Saturday, February 20, 2010

New York

I am extremely behind on my blogging. Perhaps because my laptop died??? Over Valentines Day weekend Jason and I went to NYC with my parents to see the musical Jersey Boys and to visit Jason's aunt and uncle, Ron and Laurie. It was so great to see everyone and the shw was wonderful too. Jason with Laurie and Grandma F.
The Jersey Boys Theatre. The show was FABULOUS!
Jason and I at Tony Di Napoli's Restaurant in NY
Walt and Kitten
Ice Skating in downtown.
At Rockerfeller Center

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Aftermath of the Double Blizzard

Jason and I got about 5 feet of snow at our house after the double blizzard. We got 36 inches in the first blizzard and about 24 inches in the second blizzard with 50 MPH winds. I have missed 2 weeks of school and I still haven't gone back for a full day. Here are the pictures of the aftermath!
This is a picture of me standing in the snow in our yard.
No plows could got to our street in Frederick County because we ran out of county funded snow money during the first 36 inches of the blizzard. The neighborhood had to shovel the road.
Icicles of DEATH!!!
Our street.
You can't even see our front door.
This is our 7 1/2 foot fence in our backyard.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blizzard #2: the last 4 days

As if our 36 inches weren't quite enough we woke up to blizzard #2 this morning. We got another 24 inches of snow and 40-50 MPH winds all day longs. This storm is actually worse than the first one we had because the conditions outside were so dangerous. All roads are shut down and they pulled all of the plows off the road because visibility was 0%. I took a short video of the calm part of our blizzard this evening. I wasn't going outside in the mess we had earlier. Earlier today we couln't even see the houses right across the street. Check out our snow...I know you wish you were here:) More to come tomorrow when we can actually go out and check out the damage.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Blizzard of 2010

Ok....Seriously. This isn't funny anymore! AND we're getting 6 more inches on Tuesday. It's official, the news said that Frederick County, MD got hit worse than anyone in the did we get so lucky? Our final counts were between 36 and 46 inches of snow. Jason and I shoveled all day and got nowhere. These are some super attractive pictures. Jason and I could hardly open our eyes in any of them because we had a white out and 35 MPH winds blowing buckets of snow in our face. However, the pictures don't quite do it justice. Enjoy our madness! Hopefully in the coming posts we will have something to show for ourselves other than snow. Sorry the blog has been a bit repetitive.This is what Jason and I woke up to on Saturday morning. This was just the beginning of it. These are pictures of our doors from the inside. I think we were at about 18 inches at this point. This picture above is my car and what I like to call the drift of Grinch Mountain that was in front of our house. It only took us 2 hours to find my car. Jason measuring in the blizzard. We were at 22 inches.
Me trudging through the wilderness.
Before anything was shoveled. This is me attempting to get to our front door before anything was shoveled. The snow was up to my waist.
Taking care of some of the damage. When it was all finished we has a consistent 3 feet of snow everywhere with 5 foot banks and drifts in places.
So I took a nice fall while I was trying to clear off our trees which were about to all break off and fall down. This was a very dense heavy snow, which makes it difficult or impossible to get up. My wonderful husband decides that time would be better spend taking pictures of me laid out buried in the snow rather than helping me up. Ok, so was all that really necessary....I think not! Warm weather is looking better and better.