Saturday, January 30, 2010


So we got more snow. It appears that Maryland is having some difficulty this year Typically in the past in this area, when the weatherman says you're going to get 12 inches of snow, we get nothing. Also, when the weatherman says she snow storm is going to miss us this time, we get nothing. This year however, we have gotten a blizzard regardless. This snow storm was the result of a forecast of a nice sunny Saturday. At this rate I'll be making up snow days and going to school through July.
6 inches of awesomeness...and oh by the way there is no temperature in's zero degrees. Jason and I had a great time shoveling together:)

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Just as a quick update. I just reveived my second teaching certification. I am now certified in both K-12 Music and Dance for public schools. I also decided to start my Masters of Education in Technology Integration and Curriculum Studies through University of Maryland on Thursday. I am starting off slow to see how things go with school, a full time job, and a commute. Jason is working on getting approval from his HR dept. and is hoping to start his Masters on June 1st. I am looking forward to it and we will keep you all updated.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This year Jason and I drove to Mississippi for New Years. Danny, Erin, Jason, are officially the masters of surprises. Jim and Debbie had no idea that we were coming. Jason and I burst through the door at about 11:00 at night and everyone was very surprised. We had a wonderful time at Danny and Erin's house. We had a fiesta for New Years, and the food was awesome. We went bowling, and also a little gift giving. We had to strategically mail several gifts so Jim and Debbie wouldn't get suspicious but we were able to save a few for our trip.
Danny displaying his SUPERB wrapping surprises there.
Danny and Erin did get a us a super awesome fire pit for our backyard, which we are so excited to use. It was just Danny's wrapping that was sub par:)
This year I brought an extra special gift for Danny...a fabulous gift basket of Hannah Montana trinkets, including crayons, pencils and even a nightlight. I heard a rumor that Danny likes party in the USA. Anyway, apparently I have started a war. However, what Danny doesn't realize is that I have always wanted a big brother to joke around with and I have 23 years of only childhood, so have some serious catching up to do.
Debbie, Jim, Jason, and I
New Years Fiesta!!!!
These pictures are somewhat random, so I feel as though I should explain. Lauren got this awesome game Quelf. This game consists of random and somewhat embarrassing tasks that you have to complete. We played this ridiculous game for 3 hours and no one won. We had a blast though! Lauren drumming with kitchen utensils.
Jim...deciding which color lipstick he will have to put on. I don't think either color was a great choice for him:)
Erin and Lauren
Danny...completing some random task....not real sure. Here I am wearing my napkin bib that I had to fashion for the game.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christmas Morning at the Areharts

This year we had Christmas in Waynesboro with my family. This was a wonderful Christmas but it was very different for us and both sets of our parents. I also know it was an adjustment for Jason to be in a small family for Christmas...not quite as crazy as the Trueblood family Christmas mornings. We got some really awesome gifts and had a great Christmas.

Mom and dad opening their gifts.

Dad opening their gift card for a weekend getaway at the Homestead.

Jason Opening our new coffee maker from Jim and Debbie.

Jason opening his new tennis shoes. He's super excited to go to the gym with me:)

Dad got a new Wii fishing game and he's already practicing. He's going to need the practice...when he played it later in the day he caught a few 3 lb fish and ran 4 boats into the dock.

Thanks to the new golfing gear, Jason thinks he's going to take Tiger spot on the PGA tour. He also got a fabulous monkey driver cover from Jim and Debbie to go with the bag and towel.

Christmas Eve Waynesboro

Since we have a very small family, every year we have a big dinner with all of our best friends Donna, George, and Rachel Lester, Sharon, Jullian, Rachel, and Bekah, O'Dell, and Pete and Debbie Shifflett. All of our families get together and we have a wonderful time telling stories, playing games, and having festive food. This year the dinner was at the O'Dell's house. It was wonderful, Bekah was back from China and her sister Rachel flew in from British Colombia. It was so great to be able to get together with everyone this year.

Rachel, Rachel, Bekah, and I

Debbie Shifflett

Jullian O'Dell Bekah and Sharon cooking an awesome dinner in the kitchen.