Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kristy's Has A JOB!!!!!

Last week I was hired at a school system in Howard County Maryland. I am teaching elementary music K-3 at two elementary schools. I interviewed last Monday and Tuesday, I was hired on Tuesday afternoon, signed my contract Wednesday morning, and started Wednesday!!!! What a week that was to process. I had new teacher orientation last week and I just started teacher workdays today. Both schools are VERY nice and it is an extremely affluent school system. My mom was shocked at all of the extra "perks" we get....like a free MAC Book Pro loaded with fun music software for me to bring home and play with. I really like the school system so far and I'm excited for the kids to come on Monday. Jason is very glad that I got a full time teaching job as well, he seemed to think I was getting bored since I was teaching myself how to sew curtains and I was painting rooms while he was at work. We are super excited. There are about 1200 students in all and I will teach about 350 of them since I am at two different schools. I also have a 50 minute commute to one of the schools and a 30 minute commute to the other....WITHOUT traffic, but I will take it for the experience, and the fact that It's A JOB in my field!!!!! Bollman Bridge Elementary School, Jessup, MD Waverly Elementary School, Ellicott City, MD

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Old Pictures of Our House

So, now that I have actually figured out how to blog...I have a bit of catching up to do. These are some pictures of our house while we were moving in. It is still a work in progress. Since these pictures were taken, we have done a lot of painting, picture hanging, and I even taught myself how to sew, so we now have curtains....yes I have been a bit bored while Jason has been at work. This is basically what our house looked like about a week after our honeymoon when we moved in.
Master Bathroom
Master Bathroom
This is the master bedroom before we did any decorating or had a comforter....it's GREEN now!!!
This is one of the guest bedrooms. The other guest room has no furniture and is currently a storage room. We are getting furniture soon though:)
Guest Bathroom
Breakfast room
The wet bar in the man cave
Jason hanging out in the man cave.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trueblood's visit to Maryland

Wes, Jason, and Kristy at church ruins at the top of the mountain
Jason and Debbie
This weekend, the Trueblood's came to Maryland to visit us and see our new house. On Sunday we went to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia to hike, and sightsee. While we were there, they had a Civil War reinactment...which I happen to think is a very strange hobby.
Harpers Ferry, WV
Jason and Kristy
Jason, Wes, and Kristy overlooking the Potomac
Debbie and Kristy
After much hiking, fun, shopping, and good food we came home to watch the PGA championship for 5 hours!!!! Debbie and I were not very happy, and were eagerly trying to find alternative activities.
Jason's happy golf watching face This is the boys watching Tiger Woods in the PGA championship....they look so happy.
Debbie was NOT happy about the PGA tour:)