Friday, July 11, 2014

Orlando Trip

Jason and I traveled to Orlando to visit Jim, Debbie, and Wes for 4th of July week. Cooper was awesome on the airplane despite the fact that our flight was delayed because of storms and it was WAY past his bedtime. He was so good! Still though, it was a huge process with a 1 year old. I definitely feel like it would have been easier if Cooper was 6 months younger or 6 months older. He was right at that age where he wants to get into everything and he is capable too, but doesn't understand why he can't. We had a great visit in Orlando with lots of pool time with Cooper. He loved it!

Wild man running around the airport

Cooper LOVED the pool!

 Date night to downtown disney!

 Very busy little guy

Pool fun

Uncle Wes!

 Taking Mimi on a merry chase