Sunday, September 29, 2013

King Family Vineyards

 This weekend we took advantage of the beautiful fall weather and scenery and came out to Charlottesville to the King Family Plantation for a picnic. The weather was perfect and Cooper was such a good baby. He was so portable and so well behaved. Flash also enjoyed getting attention from strangers, people watching, and rolling in the field.

Loving the weather

I just love these boys! Does life get any better?

 Family picture

Monday, September 2, 2013

Cooper Meets His Great Grandparents!

 On Sunday, Cooper got to meet Grandma and Grandpa Freudenberg. What a lucky little boy to get to meet his great grandparents. They were passing through for a high school reunion and got to stop by for lunch and meet the little guy. It was wonderful to get to see them and so great that they got to spend some time with Cooper too.

Suzy and Tommy's Wedding

 This weekend my cousin Suzy got married in Leesburg at Bluemont Vineyard. The wedding was beautiful and we are so excited for Tommy and Suzy!

 Mom and Dad

 Tommy and his son Damien.

Will and Sofia

 Suzy and Rick

 Mr. and Mrs. Walls

 Geoff and Sofia

 The reception

Some family pictures.

Are You Ready For Some Football??????

Anyone who knows this house knows that we are college and pro football nuts! We love it. So of course Cooper had to dress the part.


Hail to the Redskins!!!!