Saturday, June 22, 2013

Doctor's Appointment and PKU

We went to the doctor again and Cooper is doing great. He had to go to the lab and get more blood work done for his PKU test. He was a trooper although Mom didn't like them poking him with a needle. Oh well, I guess I better get used to it. The lab was very sketchy and it was one that I hadn't been to before. I got ambushed by a crazy lady who was telling me EVERY detail about her delivery and how miserable my life is going to be because kids are high maintenance, needy, and require too much attention....that was fun.

 Big yawn....the doctor wore him out!
 Neon green battle wound:(

4 Year Anniversary

 I can't believe that it has been 4 years since Jason and I got married! The time has gone by so fast. We also have so much to celebrate and so much to be thankful for, especially this year. This is the first year that we haven't gone out and done something for our anniversary, and with good reason, but I can't think of a better way to spend an anniversary. Since we were staying in, we had an awesome dinner of filet and crab imperial (our friend Bonnie's awesome recipe that we LOVE) and cake and champagne. It was a perfect night and our little man was well behaved too:)

Momma's enjoying a glass of wine:)

 Can't think of a better way to spend an evening. All of my handsome boys!

 Flash enjoying the weather and watching the world.

 Cooper and his daddy.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Newborn Portraits

We got Cooper's newborn pictures done in Martinsburg by Haley Willingham and they turned out so cute. We were so happy with all of the pictures. There are lots of pictures, but I'm sure everyone can humor us with our new little one. We were so excited about his pictures!

 One of my favorites! Looks like his daddy!

Random Cuteness:)

 We went for our first 2 doctors appointments and the doctor says he looks great. He has already passed his birth weight and is 7 lbs. 12 oz. Here are some random pictures of the little one this week.

 Silly faces.

 Cooper and Flash the protector.

Striking a pose:)

Lauren and Kevin Come to Visit

Toward the end of Danny and Erin's visit, Lauren and Kevin came into town to meet up with them and spend some time in DC and Annapolis. We decided that it was a great opportunity to have everyone over to our house for a bushel of MD crabs. We had and awesome dinner and beautiful weather.

 Lauren and Kevin came back to stay for the weekend after visiting some other family members. We took the baby, the dog, and a picnic out to Leesburg and got out of the house for a nice Father's Day weekend.

Danny, Erin, and Cameron Come to Visit

Danny, Erin, and Cameron made a trip to the East Coast to visit family before they move to Italy and they were able to stop and see us for the weekend and meet Cooper. Cameron was excited to meet his new cousin too and get some baby holding practice in before his new sister Emmy arrives in August. We hadn't see them in SO long, so it was great to be able to spend some time with them.

So CUTE!!!!

 Uncle Danny with Cooper.

Cameron giving Cooper a present. So cute!

Flash was SO tired from the new baby, the company, from chasing Cameron around, and got tortured a little, but he didn't seem to care.

Cameron the photographer:)