Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baby Shower!!!!

My best friend Bekah, her mom Sharon, and some family friends, Donna Lester and Debbie Shiflett threw me an amazing baby shower for family and friends in Waynesboro. It could not have been more perfect. This is one lucky little boy who has so many people who care about him already. Jason's mom and Jason's sister were also able to come visit for a few days and drive to VA for the shower. It was so sweet of them to come because it was a very long trip for both of them. Thank you to everyone who came to the shower and for traveling and taking the time for our little boy. We can't wait to meet him!


Decorations and cupcakes (Debbie Shiflett made the cupcakes and they were AWESOME!)
 Favors: Sparkling Cider with a label that says "ready to POP!"

34 weeks! 6 More to go!

Me, Cooper, Mimi, and Grammy A

 Debbie, Lauren and I

 Donne, Bekah, Debbie, and Sharon.

 What a lucky little boy! Cooper is spoiled already!

The beautiful quilt that my Aunt Connie made for the nursery. She is so talented!