Sunday, October 21, 2012

Baby Trueblood!!!!!!!!!!

Jason and I are so excited that we are expecting a baby in May! We found out about baby T on September 14th, the weekend of the JMU WVU game while all of my college friends were in town tailgating. That was a difficult secret to hide that weekend! Jason had way too much to drink that day since we were trying to be sneaky. We had our 8 week appointment on October 10th. We got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat which was 163 beats strong. The grey blob on the left in the picture above is the baby. It kind of looks like a gummy bear right now! We found out that our dates were a little off, so I was only 7 1/2 weeks when the ultrasound was done. I am currently 9 weeks today and feeling pretty good. I am exhausted and a little sick in the mornings, but I can't complain too much! I go back for 3 more appointments in 2 weeks to get things checked again and make sure everything is still looking good.

 These are some pictures that we took to put in photo albums when we told both sets of parents.

Cunningham Falls

 This weekend we went hiking at Cunningham Falls. The weather was beautiful and it was peak fall season. We were also dog sitting D.O.G. so we definitely had our hands full with both of the boys. They were really good for the weekend and even slept well. Eventually they were so exhausted they couldn't play anymore. Flash hasn't gotten out of his bed since D.O.G. left.

The falls

The lake at the bottom of the falls.

Needless to say the boys were pretty exhausted after a day of playing and a long hike. They look pretty pitiful!