Sunday, June 19, 2011


For our anniversary, Jason and I went to an awesome German Restaurant called the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown, WV. The food was amazing! We had heard that this was a pretty awesome place, but we had never been, so we decided to go. I think this might become one of our favorites.



The Inn and the Restaurant.


A great way to end the night, a glass of champagne and the most awesome German Chocolate Cake we’ve ever had!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Adventures with Flash and D.O.G.

Our friends Jim and Shannon went to Vegas for 2 weeks for a wedding, so Jason and I have been dog sitting. D.O.G. has been hanging out here making himself at home, and WOW is it messy with 2 dogs playing constantly. They have been so great together. They entertain themselves, they tire each other out every night and they even share beds, food, and toys. They are such good friends.




DOG with his Elvis face….he’s so doofy looking!





Endless hours of Tug of War. They have decapitated the majority of Flash’s toys.


Walking the boys.

Memorial Day Weekend


For Memorial Day weekend we went to Waynesboro for my parents big BBQ and pool party. There were about 35 people there and we had a huge awesome meal, the guys played golf, and there were plenty of games and pool time. Flash got to enjoy the pool as well. He’s still not too sure about the deep end and the diving board. It was nice to have a relaxing weekend with everyone.


Jason with Flash after a swim.


Flash playing with my dad. They’re best budsSmile


Hanging out watching the fun.


Baby James in the pool.



Little Miss Carley…so fashionable!


Rachel O’Dell hanging out with all of the kids. We were so glad she came all the way from Canada! It was so good to see her!


James, Kendall, and Meredith on the swing.