Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blizzard of 2009

We got hit by the blizzard of 2009 this past weekend. We got about 27 inches of snow and were snowed in the entire weekend. We had to postpone our family Christmas with my mom's family and my cousins. The snow was beautiful and it did get me out of school of 3 days which was nice...since the kids are hopped up on Christmas cookies and are MORE than ready for Santa. I know Jim and Debbie were super jealous of our beautiful weather....just like New Hampshire:)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Parties

This weekend Jason and I had two Christmas parties. We hosted one at our house, which was a lot of fun, and we also got to go to my school Christmas party. Since my commute to work is so far Jason has never met anyone that I work with, so I was excited to introduce him to everyone. We had a blast.
Everyone at my team party from school.
The related arts team members. At this party we had a white elephant or useless gift exchange. The gift had to be something laying around your house and you couldn't go buy it. I re gifted a very special gift I got for my bachelorette party. Let me explain..... as a joke for my bachelorette party Jason's mom Debbie and his sister Lauren wrapped up an old lady house coat/night gown as a gift. So...that was my useless gift. Everyone thought it was the funniest gift there and they loved the story. The art teacher opened the gift and we're still trying to convince her to wear it over her clothes as an art smock on Monday. The house coat got affectionately referred to at the Moo Moo. My useless gift was a Christmas frame that at Jewish teacher received from a previous student. Ta Da!!!!!! The famous Moo Moo.
On Friday night Jason and I invited several work friends, college friends, and neighbors to our house for an open house. We had about 25 people there and is was very successful. We got to know some of our neighbors and got to see some old friends as well. Our spread of appetizers and drinks.